


Astrology, through the natal chart, reveals clear and precise trends and patterns of personality from a holistic perspective. This enables us to observe ourselves and others with greater detachment and objectivity. As you learn astrology…


The importance of achieving a comparative teaching method is imperative in our time. We have suffered greatly in recent times from significant fragmentation in the field of knowledge, leading in many cases throughout history to major sectarianism, such as the well-known battle…


This course is aimed at anyone seeking an understanding of the profound dynamics of their mind while engaging in concentration and mindfulness practices. These practices will help in halting the erroneous mechanisms of thinking, feeling, and acting that lead us…


For those who wish to delve deeper into various aspects of Mindfulness. This course will enable you to attain higher levels of clarity in your mindfulness practice by introducing elements of the Buddhist practices of Vipassana and Shamata. Achieve clarity and objectivity to see life in a positive way…


This course is aimed at anyone who wants to gain insight into the deep dynamics of their mind while engaging in concentration and mindfulness practices that will help curb the erroneous mechanisms of thinking, feeling, and acting that lead us to suffering and pain. We will learn…


Buddhism is a comprehensive philosophy of life and also a system of highly advanced psychological teachings. Currently, in the West, the Mahayana branch of Buddhism has proliferated, focusing primarily on the devotional, ritual, and cult aspects…


In India, there have been six schools of philosophy for thousands of years, each with its own worldview and practices aimed at the development of all aspects of the human being, offering students the possibility of achieving a higher state of consciousness.


The Fourth Way proposes working simultaneously on the Motor Center (body and physical health), Emotional Center (feelings, emotions, and mysticism), and Intellectual Center (development of thought and knowledge). The result: a practical and theoretical understanding of men and women in the 21st century…


The Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung is the Psychology of the Collective Unconscious and Archetypes. Both terms refer to a deeper stratum of our Psyche: The Collective Unconscious, where Archetypes, universal and timeless primordial models, reside. Psyche comes from the Greek, and it is…


Modern medicine and materialistic psychological approaches have not been able to provide a definite answer to why our body needs sleep and, even less, the purpose of our dreams…


Tarot, nowadays, is mostly considered as a divinatory art. Carl G. Jung’s approach invites us to rediscover it as a tool for guidance and self-discovery. The Egyptian Tarot is the original deck with 78 cards (22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana) that has come down to modern times…


The Minor Arcana, while not as complex in their symbolism as the Major Arcana, play a crucial role in a Tarot reading. While the Major Arcana show archetypal and overarching situations and images, the Minor Arcana…


The Science of Enneagram was introduced to the West by George I. Gurdjieff. According to him, it was the most important symbol of an ancient order called the «Sarmoung Brotherhood». The Enneagram is a key to understanding any structure and any recurring process, among them and the most important one, the functioning of our mind.


This course is aimed at all those interested in learning the fundamentals of Astrological Prediction for the main events of Daily Life.